Two new groups 2023!

Two new groups / rides will be taking place in 2023 for Spinners

1; There will now be a dedicated E-bike group on SPOND so if you have an E-bike you will now be able to ride as a group. This is not to say that you aren’t welcome to join the others groups if you so wish. I am hoping that we will encourage new members to join us without feeling snubbed because they are on an E-bike. Times move on and we must accept and encourage this within our club. You can use an E-bike on sportives now and as Griff says ” it’s the future “

2; There is going to be a women’s only ride once a month, lead by Jennie & Lyn ( and I would like to think with the support of fellow lady Spinners ). We are looking at a Saturday morning ride. More details to follow in the new year. Personally I believe this to be a bold step forward within the Spinners club. One of which I hope will encourage a lot more ladies to join the Spinners. So if you know of ladies out there who have been put off joining in the past due to the pressure of riding in a mixed group then maybe this will be the entry into joining us. A more gentle and relaxed entrance into the spinners.

Tony Peek