The Heathfield Inn, Honiton Tuesday 19th November 7–9 pm

Chair’s Report
Tony welcomed 17 Spinners to the 2024 AGM and outlined the various events, club rides, Sportives and achievements of club members during the past year. He then outlined the results of the club survey, concluding that there is a strong feeling to continue to be a registered club, with club rides on Tuesday evenings in the lighter months, whilst acknowledging that there has been a shift towards daytime riding. The challenge for the next year will be to encourage new members by meeting varying needs and preferences.
Tony then dissolved the previous committee after confirming that he has stepped down as Chair after two years, and also thanked Claire for her contribution to the club as she, too, was leaving the committee.
Treasurer’s Report
Hannah outlined the club’s financial situation. With all expenses for the BBQ and AGM now paid, the bank balance is currently £1,744.9. The balance at this point in 2023 was £1,748.46. The year end and interim accounts will be presented at the next committee meeting, where affiliations and membership fees will be discussed further.
Membership is currently 38.
Hannah also updated attendees on the recent changes to the Spond groupings.
After tucking into the buffet, attendees were entertained by Roger Saunders’s account of his two-day Coast to Coast ride from Ilfracombe to Plymouth. Both his enthusiasm for the ride and photographs have tempted club members to consider it as a club ride in 2025.
Criag Boyde then amazed us with his account of his attempts and final success at riding the challenging Trafalgar Way from Plymouth to London. The difficulties faced and his sheer determination indicated why he should be so proud of his achievement.
The new committee
Tony announced the new committee, welcoming new Chair Rob Oakley and new committee members Tim Lamb and Matt Camps.
2024 – 2025 committee: Chair – Rob Oakley, Treasurer – Hannah Dingle, Secretary – Jennie Sleeman, together with Lin Grady, Tony Peek, Matt Camps and Tim Lamb. Roger Saunders will continue to maintain the club’s web site.
Rob explained his thoughts for the coming year and handed out a discussion document, which will be emailed to club members prior to the next committee meeting.
The awards were then announced as follows:
- King of Members to Rob Oakley
- Queen of Members to Sue Jones
- Huff and Puff to Chris James
- Annual Achievement Award to Roger Saunders
- Members Award to Jennie Sleeman
Tony thanked everyone for attending and close the meeting at 9pm.