Roger rides Devon C2C in 2 days

Start of route at Ilfracombe
End of route in Plymouth

Two years ago several Spinners attempted the Devon coast to coast ride from Plymouth in 1 day but gave up after 70 miles finishing at the Puffing Billy at Great Torrington. Since then I have been yearning to try again but to do it at a more leisurely pace in 2 days and to start at Ilfracombe which I think is the better way to do it. I rode it at the end of August 2024 in ideal weather and hope these notes may be useful for anyone who wants to do it in the future. I used the official gpx file downloaded for navigation and followed the route 27 signs which were very helpful. My gpx route which has a better routing through Tavistock though there are one or two short mis-steps where I realised I was heading on the wrong route, available on request. Over the 100 miles (161km) there is 5189 ft (1581 m) of climbing.

Day 1

The main problem is getting to Ilfracombe and I have to thank my long suffering wife for driving me there with bike. After the mandatory photo by the official start at Verity (Damien Hirsts sculpture) at the harbour I rode out of town and was immediately confronted with a decent hill to climb. However once that was climbed the next significant hill wasn’t until right at the end of day 1.  From Ilfracombe to Braunton there was a mix of cycle track and rural lanes. I descended into Braunton and found a perfect coffee and cake stop on a roundabout after the large car park. The Tarka trail proper starts here and for the rest of the day I was cycling along it. Barnstable confused me as the official route seemed to take a long detour to avoid any road bridges. Riding along the river Torridge was a joy although quite busy. Bideford station seemed a good lunch stop but the menu was very limited (pasties) and there were no loos so I would recommend carrying on another 5 miles to the Puffing Billy below Gt Torrington which serves an extensive menu and even had a second hand bookstore. After this the trail continues through woods for another 8 miles. There is a cafe about 4 miles after the Puffing Billy which would be another good option to stop. Once you leave the Tarka trail you encounter the final climb of day 1 which after 40 miles was hard work! The ride on the first day finished in a quaint village called Sheepwash about 44 miles along the route where I checked into the Half Moon Inn. It had a place to lock bikes away, may have catered for e-bikes and served a good evening meal. The downside was it cost me around £100 but it was quiet and comfortable. 

HalfMoon Inn at Sheepwash
Meldon Viaduct on Granite Way

Day 2.

Leaving Sheepwash in the mist there were a few significant hills to encounter before Okehampton including the one up to the start of the Granite way. Once on it there were great views of Dartmoor as you cross the Meldon Viaduct. I don’t understand why there is still a short off-tarmac section in the middle of this great cycle route. Then a stop at Lydford for a drink and on another road section which included a short proper off road bit requiring a short walk on very rough ground. Another route 27 anomaly. The next town was Tavistock which was confusing as the gpx route made no sense so I followed the route 27 signs which were fine. I seem to remember last time we did it we got lost there. After Tavistock it is almost all dedicated cycle routes (the Drake Trail) and it was a wonderful ride mainly downhill over impressive viaducts, through cuttings and in tunnels (note take a front light) and apart from the odd pony pretty quiet. I am tempted to repeat that section at a more leisurely pace sometime. A lunch stop was not obvious by the route after Tavistock and I was a bit nervous of finishing well in time to catch the 16:25 train from Plymouth so I continued on to the NT Saltram estate. A busy stretch along the river but a good way to approach Plymouth. The final ride into Plymouth is a bit mixed but good to go past the Aquarium and up close to Smeaton’s Tower. I clocked 99.5 miles at the official finish point so had to go a bit further to get 100 miles on Strava!. After a relaxing drink and snack on the Hoe in the sunshine I headed to the station (all off road) and caught the train. It was the same one I caught to Northumbria so very familiar with how to store the bike. Once at Exeter St David’s however all the trains to Honiton were cancelled for the next 2 hours so I resorted to calling my wife to come and get me as I was not up to cycling back from Exeter. Such a shame our trains can’t be relied upon. Overall it was a good challenge to do it in 2 days and some stretches were just wonderful to cycle. 

Roger up on Dartmoor

Spinners BBQ 2024

Honiton Spinners BBQ group
Great to see so many Spinners together at a social event. Thanks to Jennie Sleeman and Kevin Goss for organising a barbecue for Honiton Spinners at chez Steve Carpenter in Broadhembury. Roger Saunders led a pre BBQ ride taking in Butterleigh and Killerton for refreshments with 5 keen riders getting some pre-BBQ exercise. Kevin sourced great burgers and sausages and everyone brought a variety of deserts to fill Steve’s fridge. The weather was warm and the drizzle held off until the end. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

Spinners Northumbrian Jaunt

Dunstanburgh Castle

After the Pisa to Florence ride last year 5 Spinners decided to stay closer to home in 2024 and explore Northumberland. John and Mike drove up with their road bikes (not e-bikes) and Lin, Sue and Roger took their bikes on the train a new experience. The Ladies had a stressful start on a packed train from Tiverton parkway unable to sit down for sometime. It was noted it took longer to get to Alnmouth than to Pisa!  The drivers also had a stressful journey with much of the motorway being 50 mph up north. Once again we were using Saddle Skedaddle to provide a route and to transport our luggage. We all took our road bikes but gravel bikes would have been more suitable as there were a few challenging off-road sections. The first 2 days were riding north to Berwick on Tweed along the coast and the second 2 days returning south inland closer to the Cheviots. The final day was a loop mainly south of Warkworth. 

Starting the journey from Warkworth

Day 1 Warkworth to Seahouses 46 km 320 m climbing

The ride started in Warkworth a charming town with a Castle and the river Coquet. The first day saw us riding to Seahouses in the N. Sea mist. After Craster a fishing port  we decided to walk up to Dustanburgh Castle an eerie sight in the clearing mist as its walls are partly damaged from previous battles. Further on the walk we came across a sanctuary for black legged Kittiwakes on the coast. Back on the road we arrived in Seahouses, explored the beach and then enjoyed fish and chips. Roger then proceeded to teach Scrabble to his fellow riders.

Relaxing in Seahouses

Day 2 Seahouses to Berwick on Tweed 70 km 470 m climbing

This turned out to be a much longer ride than planned. First we looped south from Seahouses to visit Beadnell harbour and then stopped at Bamburgh Castle  to visit this intact castle where The Last Kingdom series on Netflix was filmed, something recommended by Mike. We then rode on to Lin’s favourite cafe stop which had a wide range of gluten free options not normally available so she had a feast of lunch and desert. The next stop was Holy Island. We had to wait to 14:30 for the tide to allow us to cross the causeway and then it was another 6km to the village to see another castle and ruined monastery. Riding late in the afternoon we then made our way to Berwick along the coast mostly on challenging off-road paths through fields of long grass and coarse gravel. Mike remarked it was worse than the Nello. On arrival in Berwick we stayed in a rather dodgy hotel but enjoyed a great Italian meal with limoncello although we were all a bit knackered. 

Lindisfarne Castle, Holy Island
The route to Berwick-upon-Tweed
Trains have priority!

Day 3 Berwick to Wooler 47 km 460 m climbing

Climbing out of Berwick we entered Scotland for a few kilometres. A quick look at Paxton House an impressive mansion with extensive gardens and then coffee in the charming village of Norham.  Then diving down on a path along the river Till to Etal for lunch. After another session of riding through long grass we arrived at Wooler “The gateway to the Cheviots”. Roger, Lin and Sue walked around the area and John managed to find a bookshop in town. 

Crossing the border
One of many coffee stops

Day 4 Wooler to Warkworth 47 km 610 m climbing

After the start Lin worried she hadn’t packed her toiletries bag so a panicked phone call had to be made but all was well. There were more hills on this leg in the undulating terrain with warmer weather as well so the coffee stop was very welcome in the morning.  We then arrived in Alnwick a picturesque town with castle, garden and for John Barters bookshop housed in the former station where we had lunch. John revelled in the shop all afternoon but the rest of us visited the gardens designed by the Duchess of Northumberland with many impressive water features. It was an easy ride back to Warkworth to revisit our original hotel by the castle. 

Alnwick Water Features
The Cheviots

Day 5 Warkworth loop 52 km 337 m climb

The last day was a loop up to Alnmouth and then down south along quiet lanes before returning back up the coast. John left to head south so there were only four riders for this final day. Due to the lack of coffee stops we whizzed around this loop which was flat except for one hill and after lunch at Druridge Bay nature reserve we stopped at the port of Amble. Having discovered we were in time to take a boat out to Coquet Island we decided to take the trip which circumnavigated the Island to see the Puffins. As it turned out we not only saw Puffins but many seals and a pod of dolphins which bobbed up and down close to the boat. This was the highlight of the trip for us. 

Dolphins by the boat
Puffins on Coquet Island

Overall we were very lucky with the weather with no rain or strong winds and Mike in particular was pleased to make it round not on an e-bike so felt much fitter at the end. It would have been easier with gravel bikes but all our bikes survived intact and no punctures! It was a good way to see the Northumberland countryside. 

Craig’s ride up north

What a ride, probably my most audacious yet, certainly this year anyway. The ride start was from Padiham on the outskirts of Burnley and was packed full of climbs. It was the Tan Hill 200 audax. My aim was to get around and just complete it as I knew already that I had a slim chance of finishing the ride in time. I didn’t quite succeed. There would have been 8 massive Lancashire and Yorkshire Dales climbs including 2 ascents of Buttertubs from each side but it wasn’t to be, Buttertubs proved to be too much and I never made it to Tan Hill. But I bagged 6, not bad for a ride in the area.

The first climb came straight out of the starting gate and was a beast, it was the Nick o’ Pendle, on the other side we rode through Clitheroe and climbed again, next up was Waddington Fell which was a bit easier on the legs. After this was the first control at the Riverside tea rooms in Slaidburn, to show how tough this ride was I arrived at the first control 20 mins over time. After refuelling I set off again and next up was the most spectacular climb yet, Ravens Castle. A real narrow mountain road. First 3 climbs done and I was still in Lancashire, but I soon crossed into Yorkshire and the 4th climb which happened to be the easiest, Newby Head. This had its own challenges, the hoards of people parking anywhere they could to go and see the Ribblehead viaduct. Hawes was rather nice and I set about having a 2nd coffee stop simply cos I need the rest in between climbs. Timing had gone out the window anyway as the time I arrived in Hawes (3pm) was the time I should have been at the Tan Hill Inn. This was a turning point though, to get back I had to ride back over Buttertubs to Hawes if I carried on to the Tan Hill Inn. I gave it my best shot but Buttertubs was 16% from the side I was on and that was tough going after the ride I’d done so far, in fact it was the straw that broke the Camels back and when I saw the other side was 25% that made up my mind and I turned around, headed back down to Hawes. By this time it was now 5:45pm and went in search of more food and had sausage and chips from the local chippy. But I still had one more climb to get over yet, the highest of them all Fleet Moss. Another absolute beast with a very steep final ramp to the top. It was every bit like climbing over a wall it was that steep. Ridiculously steep! After that I still had the ride back which was still a fair way but thankfully mostly downhill. The first part coming down from Fleet Moss was through Warfdale which was absolutely beautiful. After a final stop at petrol station near Gargrave I made it back but with 2 very weary legs it was gone past midnight by the time I returned.

Dartmoor Classic

Several Spinners tackled the Dartmoor Classic in 2024, Rod Inglis and our chairman Tony Peek. Their experiences are described below:


A close thing but Gold it was at the Dartmoor Classic. 6hr 44mins for the 106 miles & 3000m of up, one brief stop at Princetown and a euphemism break. Ideal conditions with cloud cover all day and a light breeze with some light, almost drizzle and the temperature just right. I came 3rd on the KoM segment out of 107 in the 60—69 vet group. So virtual podium. A fellow 60’s vet supplied a wonderful tow down the Teign Valley to make the gold time for the both of us, but it was full gaz just to hang on his wheel! For the rest of the route it was Billy no mates all the way.


A little while ago whilst on a Zwift ride with Stephen Dabbs I decided to join him on the Dartmoor Classic. I haven’t done this for a few years so my legs had forgotten what it was like. Dartmoor covers 954 km2 (368 sq mi). The medio ride itself Distance: 68 miles / 110 km.  Elevation Gain: 5600ft / 1700 m with a Max Gradient: 20%, setting off from Event HQ: Newton Abbot, TQ12 3A the race course. So I met Steve at the race course for 7am in plenty of time to check in and get ready for an 8am ride start. So off we set through Newton Abbott following a van that kept us all together before we went through the official time check start. After that we were on a roll. Chatting together about this and that, at about 6 miles in we hit a descent of which I flew down and then tackled the 1st proper climb. I pushed on until I got to the top going over the 1st of many cattle grids. Here I wait for Stephen. After 7 or 8 minutes I phoned him. No answer. So I headed on thinking I had missed him. A couple more climbs and then we did a sharp left into a closed road section which was the KoM/ QoM. I decided not to go hard on this section as they use it as part of the Tour of Britain, however I found it to be an easier climb then I thought it would be ! Too late by then so onwards to Ashburton where the climb really hits. A 20% climb before kicking left towards Princetown. That was tough. People were walking it . At Princetown was the feed station. 32 miles done. Now stupidly I never had any ready salted crisps this time. Normally I have two packets before a sandwich. I was really going to regret this later. 

I waited at the feed station for 25 minutes in case Stephen showed up. However I decided to carry on as my legs don’t like stopping for too long. I did mention to a marshal to let Steve know if she saw him. Once again it was climbing. It seemed like my garmin kept telling me there was another climb. I knew this next bit and loved the dips followed by short punchy climbs , on one of the dips I clocked myself doing 44 mph around the bend. Boys will be boys. At 50 miles we reached Moretonhampstead and another climb. This is where I started to struggle. Due to the humidity I was sweating a lot and not taking on enough replenishment so cramp set in. From there on every climb or gradient I was to suffer. At one stage I was peddling with just my right leg clipped in trying to ease the pain in my left leg by letting it just hang. However I did make it to the finish line and got my medal and goodie bag. Here I waited for Stephen to finish only to find out he had two punctures before Princetown. And the lady at the feed station said to Steve we had only just missed each other !  Stephen says that unfortunately he won’t be joining me next year for the Dartmoor classic but in true cycling fashion we enjoyed a well earned pint together at the end.

Honiton Spinners’ Women’s Rides

On Saturday 27th April, the first Women’s ride of 2024 took place. It wasn’t raining. It wasn’t windy. Even the sun made a brief appearance. New faces and familiar faces met at the start, with bikes ranging from off-road hybrids to sturdy winter bikes to lightweight carbon bikes. It was good to meet riders from the Women on the Run group, thanks to Gerry who encouraged them to give riding a go. It was a social, chatty and friendly ride, with the only hiccup being a chain that came off. That was soon sorted and off went the group cycling for 14 miles round the lanes of East Devon, finishing with cake and biscuits. Thanks to Kev who was glued to his phone in case of emergencies!

Dates of future rides

Rides take place on Saturdays, starting at 10am.

The next rides will be on 4th May, 18th May, 1st June, 15th June, 29th June, 20th July, 27th July,

10th August, 24th August, 7th September.

If you are interested, please email Jennie at for more information.

Tuesday Night Wet so Wednesday Ride Instead

There seems to be a pattern in the weather at the moment with Tuesday nights being wet but a window of dry weather on following Wednesday mornings. Spinners who don’t have to work have taken advantage of this with the Winter mid-week rides continuing into the Spring. Recent rides in April have included Sidmouth, Cullompton and Seaton. It has been good to see Mike Bowring back riding with us after 9 months of recovery and John Burgess back on the bike so soon after his hip replacement.

Spinners enjoying bluebells at Blackberry Camp on way to Seaton
Spinners at Seaton
Spinners enjoying coffee, tea and cake in Cullompton.

7 Spinners ride to Topsham

After many weeks of rain cancelled rides the Spinners midweek social riders finally managed to get out and ride to Topsham in glorious March sunshine. The ride passes Exeter Airport and a newly created wetlands at Clyst St Mary. The destination was the Route 2 Café in Topsham that not only services bikes but serves coffee and cake. The return leg involved sampling part of the Exe Valley cycle route to Exmouth and then many lanes via Woodbury Salterton back to Honiton. Chris James nearly had an altercation with an irate driver who had no reason for his abuse which added a bit of spice to the ride. It was also good to welcome Lyn Grady back to cycling after a long layoff due to an injured ankle.

Routes taken to Topsham
Routes to Topsham

Honiton Spinners 2023 AGM

The Heathfield Inn, Honiton Thursday 9th November 7pm

Chair’s Report

Tony summarised the various events of the year, including the bike maintenance course in January provided by Gary at Ciclo, weekend and evening rides, plus numerous audaxes and sportives. The impact of the weather was a consistent theme, whether too hot, too cold or too windy. Despite this, the club enjoyed a photo shoot in April with Chris Grady Photography, the first Women-only ride, the BBQ organised by Kev Goss and hosted by Steve and Heather Carpenter and a club trip to Italy. The club also supported charities, including the ride for Motor Neurone Disease ride, the Nello for cancer group Force,  and the ride to support the Yeovil Hospital Breast Cancer unit  appeal.

Tony, as Chair, thanked members of the club for all their various contributions, from leading rides, to website development and committee functions. He also thanked  members for their understanding of his personal situation this year, making the point that Honiton Spinners is about all members contributing to what is a brilliant club. There are, he concluded, plans to move the club forward in 2024, plus a pub lunch trip before the end of this year.

The existing committee was dissolved, with thanks going to Lin Grady, who stepped down from the role of Vice Chair.

The new committee was unopposed and now stands as

  • Chair – Tony Peek
  • Vice Chair – Claire Barrow
  • Treasurer – Hannah Dingle
  • Secretary – Jennie Sleeman
  • Website, social media – Roger Saunders, John Burgess
  • Lin Grady
  • Richard Harvey

Treasurer’s Report

Hannah Dingle, having succeeded Ben Greenland as Treasurer, provided particulars of the income, expenditure and funds over the last four years.

Income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st July 2023:

  • Income (membership fees) – £635
  • Expenditure (affiliations, website, trophies and events) – £964
  • Funds carried forward – £2,058

For further details, please contact Hannah.

Italian Holiday Report

John Burgess identified some of the many highlights of the enjoyable club trip. Please see the full report on the club website here.


John then entertained members with a club-focussed quiz, with Strava data, photos of popular ride locations, a map and disguised images of club riders.

After all that excitement and activity, everyone was ready to tuck into the buffet provided by the Heathfield Inn.


The much-anticipated awarding of the trophies concluded the excellent evening.

Tony introduced each category and gave reasons for the choices.

  • KOM (King of members) – Dustin Riley
  • QOM (Queen of Members) – Liz Polley
  • Huff + Puff – Jennie Sleeman
  • Annual Achievement Award (special trophy for 2023) – Craig Boyde
  • Members’ member – Kevin Goss

Ride to 4 National Trust sites in Somerset

Roger Saunders having been inspired by a conversation in Payhembury Provisions devised a route across south Somerset to visit four National Trust houses and gardens and a select group of John Burgess and Sue Jones joined him to enjoy the Somerset lanes as a mid-week social ride. It was 37 miles in total on mainly quiet roads and happily no big hills.

Starting the ride from the free car park at Barrington Court the first destination was Montecute House at 9 miles with a ride through the village of Montecute with picturesque brown stoned houses to reach the entrance. It is an impressive mansion and John informed us this was where Sense and Sensibility was filmed. It was then a short 3 mile ride to Tintinhull Gardens which happened to be closed but all we needed was the entrance sign for a photo.

We then set out to Lytes Carey Manor at 21 miles into the ride which had lovely gardens and topiary and chimneys. This was a good place to have lunch being just over half way and Sue was in need of sustenance by then. The NT staff were keen to get John and Roger’s cards scanned even though we were nominally only visiting the café. More visitors helps them fund the site apparently.

After being fuelled up we then set out on the return leg to Barrington Court via Somerton. John and Sue kept recognising part of this leg being the Spinners Glastonbury ride. Sadly we experienced the 10% rain forecast from the Met Office cycling through Somerton but it soon dried up again. Almost inevitably one lane on this leg was signed ‘closed’ though we managed to squeeze past the road works. On reaching the final destination at Barrington Court we celebrated with a well earned cup of Tea! It was agreed to repeat the ride next year to allow more riders to enjoy the route.