Honiton Spinners 2023 AGM

The Heathfield Inn, Honiton Thursday 9th November 7pm

Chair’s Report

Tony summarised the various events of the year, including the bike maintenance course in January provided by Gary at Ciclo, weekend and evening rides, plus numerous audaxes and sportives. The impact of the weather was a consistent theme, whether too hot, too cold or too windy. Despite this, the club enjoyed a photo shoot in April with Chris Grady Photography, the first Women-only ride, the BBQ organised by Kev Goss and hosted by Steve and Heather Carpenter and a club trip to Italy. The club also supported charities, including the ride for Motor Neurone Disease ride, the Nello for cancer group Force,  and the ride to support the Yeovil Hospital Breast Cancer unit  appeal.

Tony, as Chair, thanked members of the club for all their various contributions, from leading rides, to website development and committee functions. He also thanked  members for their understanding of his personal situation this year, making the point that Honiton Spinners is about all members contributing to what is a brilliant club. There are, he concluded, plans to move the club forward in 2024, plus a pub lunch trip before the end of this year.

The existing committee was dissolved, with thanks going to Lin Grady, who stepped down from the role of Vice Chair.

The new committee was unopposed and now stands as

  • Chair – Tony Peek
  • Vice Chair – Claire Barrow
  • Treasurer – Hannah Dingle
  • Secretary – Jennie Sleeman
  • Website, social media – Roger Saunders, John Burgess
  • Lin Grady
  • Richard Harvey

Treasurer’s Report

Hannah Dingle, having succeeded Ben Greenland as Treasurer, provided particulars of the income, expenditure and funds over the last four years.

Income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st July 2023:

  • Income (membership fees) – £635
  • Expenditure (affiliations, website, trophies and events) – £964
  • Funds carried forward – £2,058

For further details, please contact Hannah.

Italian Holiday Report

John Burgess identified some of the many highlights of the enjoyable club trip. Please see the full report on the club website here.


John then entertained members with a club-focussed quiz, with Strava data, photos of popular ride locations, a map and disguised images of club riders.

After all that excitement and activity, everyone was ready to tuck into the buffet provided by the Heathfield Inn.


The much-anticipated awarding of the trophies concluded the excellent evening.

Tony introduced each category and gave reasons for the choices.

  • KOM (King of members) – Dustin Riley
  • QOM (Queen of Members) – Liz Polley
  • Huff + Puff – Jennie Sleeman
  • Annual Achievement Award (special trophy for 2023) – Craig Boyde
  • Members’ member – Kevin Goss