Honiton Spinners is a friendly club which welcomes male and female cyclists of all abilities. We organise rides throughout the year. For details see the About Us page

Tuesday evening rides start at 6:30 pm from the old A30 layby. We normally have 2 groups (faster and slower pace) with a leader for each. There are also possible social rides on Thursday evening from the layby and during the day for those not working.

To renew your subscriptions for 2024 click here.

Some information about planned Women only Rides click here.


Two new groups / rides will be taking place in 2023 for Spinners 1; There will now be a dedicated
Starting at 9am from the old A30 we headed along the Old A30 turning off at Fairmile, past King School
Honiton Spinners held their annual celebration evening at The Heathfield Inn on Tuesdayevening. After the AGM and buffet, teams were
Jennie Sleeman and Roger Saunders presented a cheque for £80 to Payhembury School onbehalf of Honiton Running club and Honiton
John Burgess, Roger Saunders, Tony Peek and Steve Carpenter were the 4 cyclists from Honiton Spinners who attempted the Devon
On Sunday 28th August five optimistic Spinners set off from Honiton Railway station.This was always going to be a challenging
Three Honiton Spinners had signed up to do the Nello this year, back as an event afterbeing held as a
Honiton Spinners have been enjoying the lighter evenings and (slightly) warmer days by doing long social rides, challenging sportives and
Honiton Running Club and Honiton Spinners are planning a Duathlon on a Sunday 10th July 2022 from Payhembury Village Hall (post code EX14 3HT) starting
The start of the new evening ride season is fast approaching! Back in October 2021 we decided to trial using